Sheepadoodle Dogs & Puppies

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Traits and Characteristics




50-85 lbs


16-22 inches


Water Dog

Traits and Characteristics




50-85 lbs


16-22 inches


Water Dog

The Sheepadoodle is an adorable and active crossbreed dog with Old English Sheepdog and Poodle parents. Like all “doodle dogs,” Sheepadoodles are popularly referred to as a “designer breed.” The term refers to a crossbreed dog who was purposefully bred in hopes of exhibiting specific positive attributes of their purebred parents. A Sheepadoodle, for example, may have the low-shedding coat of a poodle and the child-loving, homebody demeanor of the Old English Sheepdog. Crossbreed dogs, like all dogs, are individuals, and they could end up with different traits from either parent, so it’s good to check into the breed standards of both sides of their family if you are welcoming a Sheepadoodle into your life!

Sheepadoodles have a reputation as gentle and loyal protectors - truly a loving family companion. With their herding dog background, they are moderately active canines who will need regular exercise and room to romp. They tend to be a larger dog, usually a minimum of about 60 pounds, and their fluffy fur – a crowning glory - will require regular brushing. The most common coat color is a mix of black and white, but they can also come in solid colors of black or gray. All that fluff surrounds a cute and social dog who also has both energy and smarts.


Ready to see what dogs fit you best? Take our short quiz to find out!

  • Energy Levellevel 4 in 5

  • Exercise Requirementslevel 4 in 5

  • Playfulnesslevel 4 in 5

  • Affection Levellevel 5 in 5

  • Friendliness to Dogslevel 4 in 5

  • Friendliness to Other Petslevel 5 in 5

  • Friendliness to Strangerslevel 4 in 5

  • Watchfulnesslevel 3 in 5

  • Ease of Traininglevel 3 in 5

  • Grooming Requirementslevel 4 in 5

  • Heat Sensitivitylevel 3 in 5

  • Vocalitylevel 3 in 5

Disclaimer: While the characteristics mentioned here may frequently represent this breed, dogs are individuals whose personalities and appearances will vary. Please consult the adoption organization for details on a specific pet.