Top Dog Hashtags to Make Your Dog Insta-Famous

From top dog hashtags to simple photo tricks, here are the secrets you need to get your pup on his way to Instagram fame.
Is your camera roll a treasure trove of adorable dog photos? Maybe it’s finally time to do something with all that cuteness. If you’re thinking about giving your dog his very own Instagram account, be warned: he will probably be more popular than you!
Hashtags Help!
Your pup may be your best buddy. But on Instagram, hashtags are your best friend—especially when your dog’s account is just starting out. Hashtags help other dog lovers find your pup’s pics.
Here are some top dog hashtags that you can copy and paste into your Instagram captions:
#dog #puppy #pup #cute #eyes #dogs_of_instagram #pet #petstagram #dogsitting #dogsofinstagram #ilovemydog #instagramdogs #dogstagram #dogoftheday #lovedogs #lovepuppies #hound #adorable #doglover #instapuppy #instadog
Breed specific hashtags are also a great way to get eyes on your dog’s account. From mutt to maltese, there is a world of hashtags just for your dog’s breed. Start by searching for your breed’s hashtag (i.e. #pomeranian) and take a look at the “Related Hashtags” bar and the tags other owners are using.
Make Some Friends!
Hashtags are a huge help in finding new friends and followers for your budding Insta-star. But giving your follower count a boost takes a bit of digital networking.
The easiest ways to get your dog noticed is to notice some other dogs first! Start by picking one of your favorite hashtags and seeing who else is using it.
Likes and comments are a great way to make someone else feel good and inspire them to check out your dog’s page! Tap that Heart button as much as possible, and if you think a particular pup is extra cute, don’t be afraid to comment and say so.
Find Your Own Style
There are a ton of pup-centric Instagram accounts out there. So when new friends find your page, what’s the “special sauce” that will convince them to follow YOUR pet?

Go play outside! Credit: @goldilocksandthewolf]Great lighting goes a long way. This may mean grabbing your camera and your pup and heading outside. Your pooch is the main event, but new environments will keep your photos fresh and interesting.

Get down to your dog’s level. Credit: @gusonthelooseDon’t forget to get down to your dog’s level. Getting low enough to shoot your pet straight on will help you capture every goofy face and show off their unique personality.

Play with props! Credit: @lucyfarted
As you take more photos of your pet, think about ways to make your individual snapshots look great together. For example, you can try only shooting on light backgrounds, or always using a fun prop or accessory.
Another easy way to create a consistent look and feel is to find a favorite filter and use it on every single photo you post.
Every dog was destined for Insta-stardom. With a face like that, they really can’t help it! Get them to the ranks of Instagram’s most famous dogs with unique photos, a solid hashtag strategy, and a friendly approach!