Why are Dogs Scared of Thunder?

The following is an excerpt from the Petfinder Blog.

Q: Why is my dog so afraid of thunder and how can I make him less scared?

A: Many dogs are afraid of thunder simply because they do not understand what it is. Dogs hear this loud noise and perceive it as something threatening.

Some dogs try to go under tables, in bathtubs, or in any other place that makes them feel secure. It is ok to allow them to do this.

It is important, however, not to try to soothe your pet too much. Doing so can actually encourage his fear if he senses any insecurity in your voice.

During a thunderstorm, try to provide background noise for your dogs, such as TV or radio. This may help to somewhat drown out the noise of the thunder. You can also try to get your dog’s mind off the storm by playing with him.

There are some dogs that require sedation when there is a storm. Consult your veterinarian so that they can prescribe something to calm your dog during a storm.

If you have questions about your pet’s health, you can submit them to Dr. Lauren at drlauren@petside.com