Traits and Characteristics
With a triangular head, prick ears, harsh straight coat and tail curled over the back, the Jindo is a true Spitz-type breed. This sturdy, medium-size dog is an enthusiastic hunter and fiercely loyal family companion.
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Energy Level
Exercise Requirements
Affection Level
Friendliness to Dogs
Friendliness to Other Pets
Friendliness to Strangers
Ease of Training
Grooming Requirements
Heat Sensitivity
Disclaimer: While the characteristics mentioned here may frequently represent this breed, dogs are individuals whose personalities and appearances will vary. Please consult the adoption organization for details on a specific pet.
Alert, watchful and intelligent, the Jindo is cautious and attentive of his territory. The independent, bold Jindo is faithful toward his master, yet reserved and suspicious with strangers. He’s a polite, attentive housedog and tends to be a one-person type of dog. The Jindo thrives on having a job to do and does best in a fairly active household.
Meticulously clean by nature, the Jindo has a double dirt- and water-repellant coat that requires nothing more than weekly brushing and the occasional bath. Otherwise, he naturally, not to mention meticulously, grooms himself. Keep in mind the Jindo sheds his coat twice a year, which may require more vacuuming or sweeping around the house than usual. Athletic and energetic, the Jindo requires a substantial amount of physical and mental stimulation and excels at dog sports such as lure coursing and agility. Proper socialization and training are a must for this fastidious breed.
- Major Concerns: N/A
- Minor Concerns: Allergies and hypothyroidism
- Occasionally Seen: Cataracts and hip dysplasia
- Suggested Tests: N/A
- Lifespan: ~14 years
The Jindo is believed to have been the result of a cross between dogs indigenous to Korea and dogs brought to Korea by the Mongols during the 13th century invasion. During this invasion, the Korean king surrendered, though some of his armies continued to fight on Jindo Island, off Korea’s southern coast. The dogs belonging to the soldiers became isolated here, where a pure strain of the breed was developed. The Jindo, as the breed became known, gained popularity and was used as hunting and guard dogs in Korea. The Korean government named the Jindo a National Treasure in 1938, and in 1988, the Jindo marched in the Olympics in Seoul. The Jindo was recognized by the United Kennel Club in 1998.