Munchkin Cats & Kittens

View Adoptable Pets for This Breed

The Munchkin cat has no problem getting around the same as its longer-limbed feline friends -- it just might take them a few extra steps along the way. These cute, curious cats are known for snatching shiny objects, so don't be surprised if these "magpies" borrow your favorite piece of jewelry.

  • Playfulnesslevel 5 in 5

  • Activity Levellevel 4 in 5

  • Friendliness to Other Petslevel 5 in 5

  • Friendliness to Childrenlevel 4 in 5

  • Grooming Requirementslevel 3 in 5

  • Vocalitylevel 2 in 5

  • Need for attentionlevel 5 in 5

  • Affection towards ownerslevel 5 in 5

  • Docilitylevel 4 in 5

  • Intelligencelevel 5 in 5

  • Independencelevel 1 in 5

  • Hardinesslevel 3 in 5

Disclaimer: While the characteristics mentioned here may frequently represent this breed, cats are individuals whose personalities and appearances will vary. Please consult the adoption organization for details on a specific pet.

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