Hooey's Heelers Rescue & Sanctuary
Our Mission
The number of Australian Cattle Dogs (“ACDs” or “heelers”) being euthanized across the United States is not declining. In a number of states, including Texas, Oklahoma and California, the numbers are staggering. These states employ kill shelters where dogs have only days to live before being euthanized if they are not adopted. These dogs don’t stand a chance.
Large numbers of heelers in these states are being abandoned or surrendered. Our mission is to rescue heelers in kill shelters with those being euthanized imminently receiving priority, or those that are suffering physical decline based on shelter environment (including kennel anxiety, stress, defeatism, fear, confusion, kennel syndrome and barrier frustration) and provide them with a home environment until they are adopted into their forever homes in Colorado or surrounding states.
We house a small number of heelers at a time and ensure appropriate vaccinations and spay/neuter procedures prior to adoption. We will also provide sanctuary if a dog is never adopted or just needs to live out their days here. Adoption agreements will specify that the dog is returned to us if the adopters are no longer able to keep and care for the dog to ensure that the dog will never be put back into a kill shelter again.
Adoption Policy
It is of utmost importance that they go to good homes that treat them like family. Our agreement states that if they cannot care for the dog for any reason, that we receive the dog back into our care.