Oshie's Tail Wagon Rescue and Transport
Our Mission
Oshie's TaiI Wagon is a foster-based rescue (no "central" facility) that focuses on "urgent" dogs about to be destroyed in kill-shelters. We work at the shelter level, are not breed specific, and tend to focus on overlooked pups who typicaIly have just hours, sometimes minutes Ieft to Iive.
Adoption Policy
In order to ensure the perpetual safety, happiness, and proper environment for our pups, we carefully screen potential adopters and require some mutual but concrete way for us to check-in and monitor the pups post-adoption. As such, here is our standard application review process:
- Application (online) received & reviewed
- *Meet n' Greet (MnG) (typ. neutral, public location)
- Mandatory wait period (24-hour minimum)
- Applicant declares wish to proceed
- Reference checks (vet & personal)
- Home visit
- Contract review & signing
- Delivery
* - Although encouraged, all household members need not be present at the MnG. HOWEVER, all must have met and engaged with the pet PRIOR to contract signing & delivery.
NOTE: Applicants must understand, for the sake of our adoptees, that we seek the best match available and do not operate on a "1st come 1st served" basis.