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S.T.A.R.T., Save The Animals Rescue Team

P.O. Box 1098
Little Falls, NJ 07424

Our Mission

Save The Animals Rescue Team, the original S.T.A.R.T. established in 1991, founded by Annette Lamberti in order to help animals primarily in Passaic County, where city supported shelters are few, annual household income is low, and where it is a very large, disadvantaged area to cover. S.T.A.R.T. is a 501 (c)(3) private non-profit organization relying on and supported by tax-deductible donations, grants and group fund raising.

We are dedicated to alleviating the plight of thousands of homeless and abandoned animals. These victims of pet overpopulation are rescued, spayed/neutered and cared for by volunteers until suitable homes are found for them. This vital life-saving work is critical for these unfortunate animals since their only crime is to be born unwanted or abandoned by those who once loved them.

It is our mission to prevent cruelty, promote spay/neuter, promote Trap Neuter & Return (TNR) to reduce the free roaming population and to encourage awareness through education, while also teaching respect for all animals and the environment they live in.

Adoption Policy

If you are interested in adopting, you can start the process and access our pre-adoption application which is located on our website at, click on Pets for Adoptions then application; complete the form, and submit/send . WE can also be reached at 973-785-1245 or email us at

All Pets are adopted within a 50 mile radius of Little Falls, NJ. Please remember out of state adoptions require additional time for approval; you must be 21 years or older to adopt; an application does not guarantee an adoption; not all animals on our website come to all adoption days.

  • day hours
    Monday BY Appointment Only
    Tuesday BY Appointment Only
    Wednesday BY Appointment Only
    Thursday BY Appointment Only
    Friday BY Appointment Only
    Saturday 3rd Saturday of Month 1 to 2pm
    Sunday By Appointment
Adoption Application

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