Indigo's Rescue Ranch and Sanctuary
Our Mission
The mission at Indigo’s Rescue Ranch and Sanctuary is to provide care, shelter, and foster homes for Jackson County’s homeless and stray dogs until such a time as we can find them suitable adoptive homes. Since Indigo’s opened its doors in 2021, over 484 dogs have been placed in local adoptive homes or have been sent to receiving shelter partners in Ohio, northern Indiana, and northwestern Illinois. Regardless of breed, size or age, we accept dogs into our shelter and ensure they have safe and comfortable lives while suitable homes are found for them. We believe so strongly in our mission that where hard to place dogs are concerned (e.g., older, disabled, or special needs dogs), Indigo’s becomes their forever home so they may live out their lives with the love, care and attention they deserve. We look for every opportunity to promote the importance of companion animal spay and neuter to reduce pet overpopulation in Jackson County by speaking at and distributing publications to schools and community events