Polka Dogz Pet Rescue
Our Mission
Polka Dogz Pet Rescue is currently searching for a property to call our own where dogs can live comfortably until their forever home is found. We will settle our furkids and many more to come in Orange or Lake County in Florida. Saving many lives is our main goal for the future of our rescue. If you would like to help, please go to our website at www.polkadogz.org.
Polka Dogz Pet Rescue saves dogs from high kill shelters that would otherwise be euthanized. We occasionally take in owner-surrenders so that the animal does not have to endure the traumatizing stay in a shelter.
We also seek to educate the public about the homeless tragedy in our country and promote adoption through social media, written materials and seminars.
Adoption Policy
A homeless pet is more than one in a million—she's one in 2.7 million. That's the number of adoptable dogs and cats who are still euthanized each year in the United States, simply because too many pets come into shelters and too few people adopt.
The number of euthanized animals could be reduced dramatically if more people adopted pets instead of buying them. When you adopt, you save your animal and open up shelter space for another animal who might need it.
Polka Dogz saves these dogs from kill shelters especially the medically needy. We fix them up good as new and make them highly adoptable pets. Please support homeless pets and "adopt, don't shop, lives depend on it".
We will soon have a property to call our own where people can volunteer, visit, and have a meet and greet with their potential new pet. Stay tuned.