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Calypso Calico Montreal, QC

  • Adult
  • Female
  • Medium
  • Calico


Friendly, Affectionate, Playful, Gentle, Curious, affectueuse, jouette, douce, gentille, sociable
Coat length
Vaccinations up to date, spayed / neutered.
Prefers a home without
Other cats, dogs.
Adoption fee

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Meet Calypso

Calypso est une jeune chatte d'Espagne dilluĂ©e adulte Ă  poil long. Elle a Ă©tĂ© trappĂ©e dans les grands froids sibĂ©riens de l’hiver 2023 Ă  St-Damien. Elle errait dehors depuis un certain temps, mais elle Ă©tait dĂ©jĂ  socialisĂ©e, donc nous croyons Ă  un abandon. Nous l’avons trappĂ©e car elle se faisait harceler par les mĂ¢les sauvages Ă  l’extĂ©rieur. Elle est Ă©nergique, sociable, affectueuse, jaseuse, grimpeuse et joueuse. Elle joue toujours avec les autres chats et adore se coller sur eux. Elle adore les jouets avec des balles. Calypso aime dormir près de son humain la nuit et regarder la tĂ©lĂ© collĂ©e. Calypso peut parfois Ăªtre nerveuse dans de nouvelles situations, mais elle a une excellente capacitĂ© d'adaptation. Calypso a aussi besoin d'Ăªtre brossĂ©e tous les jours, ce qu'elle adore. Elle est parfaitement propre, sa santĂ© est numĂ©ro un et son comportement envers les autres chats est impeccable. Calypso a peur des chiens et des enfants.

Calypso is a young adult female with a long diluted calico coat. She was trapped during the Siberian colds of the 2023 winter season in St-Damien. She was wandering around for quite some time, but she was already socialized, so we believe she was left outside. She was trapped because she was being harassed and bullied by the feral males outside. She is energetic, friendly, affectionate, talkative, climber and playful. She's always playing with other cats and loves cuddling them. Her favorite toy is anything with a ball she can chase. Calypso likes to sleep near her human at night and watch TV glued to her human. She can sometimes be nervous in new situations, but she's got an excellent adaptation capacity. Calypso needs to be brushed every day, and she loves it. Calypso is perfectly house-trained, her health is number one, and her behavior towards other cats is impeccable. Calypso is afraid of dogs and children.

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  • Calico
  • Adult
  • Female