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Our Mission

We are a nonprofit, feline rescue located in Lakewood, NY run by dedicated, experienced volunteers, with a focus on orphaned, homeless, abandoned and otherwise compromised kittens… and mothers. These individuals are provided with medical care, spay/ neuter, and unlimited love in a nurturing environment and adopted into approved, loving, forever families.

We advocate for compassion to all nonhuman animals regardless, of species, and living in alignment with these values. We believe in making the world a kinder place for animals and offer resources and information to help make compassionate choices.

We fiercely promote and educate on the importance of spay/ neuter to prevent more litters from being created thus more kittens in need of rescue and offer resources for spay/ neuter surgery.

We emphasize the importance and life saving value of adoption and the overwhelming number of animals in need of loving homes.

We recognize each and every animal as an individual and fellow earthling that shares the world with us as a life to be valued and respected.

Most importantly… we’re Here for the Animals.

Adoption Policy

Potential adopters can fill out application in link below, but are welcome to call us with any inquiries. We will process your application then contact you for a brief phone interview.
From there, we will schedule an appointment here in the rescue or arrange a meet at the Lakewood Petsmart.

Please read application thoroughly and fill out completely.
We do our best to get to back to applicants within a day or two. Please note that we often cannot check veterinary references on the weekend.

***All of our feline friends are spayed/ neutered, age appropriately vaccinated, treated for internal & external parasites, combo tested, and microchipped.

***Please note - These are just a few of our friends available for adoption. Our younger kittens tend get adopted very quickly, thus are not regularly posted here.
Please call us with any inquiries and follow us on Facebook and Instagram ! We regularly post newly rescued individuals and our kids as they’re ready for adoption.

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