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Our Mission

Our mission is to give a second chance to neglected and special needs animals through rescue, rehabilitation and rehoming. We seek to help educate people on proper small animal care, so that they can give their companions the best lives possible.

Adoption Policy

The first step is to fill out an adoption application. This includes questions about their proposed enclosure for the animal, food, enrichment, and whether they have an exotic vet or not. We review the response and contact them with any questions we have. Once all questions have been answered and approved, we move on to the second step. This involves submitting multiple photos of their enclosure, fully set up for their animal. We inspect the photos and address any concerns we see. Once we can ascertain that the enclosure meets our requirements, we give final approval for adoption. A meet up is arranged for the person to take home their new pet. At the meet up, we have a contact that must be signed by the person (or legal adult) agreeing to take proper care of the animal, not to breed it, and that they will contact us if the animal becomes sick within the first week, or if they are unable to care for the animal any longer.

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