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Licking for Love, Inc.

Baton Rouge, LA

Our Mission

At Licking for Love Dog Rescue, our mission is to be a beacon of hope for abandoned and at-risk dogs, rescuing them from harmful or potentially harmful situations. We are dedicated to providing unwavering love, compassionate care, essential medical treatment, and vital training to empower these dogs to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.
Our commitment extends beyond rescue and rehabilitation. We strive to contribute to the larger cause of reducing overpopulation through responsible spaying and neutering initiatives. By educating the public on the proper care, treatment, and training of their canine companions, we aim to create a community that fosters understanding, compassion, and respect for all dogs.
Licking for Love is driven by the belief that every dog deserves a chance at a safe, loving, and forever home.
Our mission is to make that belief a reality, one rescue at a time

Adoption Policy

All adopters will need to pass vet reference. Adopters are required to sign contract stating they will keep their adopted dog as an indoor pet and stay up to date on annual vetting. If for any reason adopter can’t keep the dogs Re adoption must go through our organization.

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