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Emily Dickinson (F), an adoptable Domestic Short Hair in Mount Juliet, TN_image-1

Emily Dickinson (F) Domestic Short Hair Mount Juliet, TN

  • Adult
  • Female
  • Small
  • Black


Vaccinations up to date, spayed / neutered.

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Considering Emily Dickinson (F) for adoption?

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Meet Emily Dickinson (F)

"Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all" Alfred Lord Tennyson
That, my friends, is one of the best lines of poetry EVER, in our opinions, and why we love the written word so much. Which is why we are named THE POET BABIES! We have amazing prose from our whiskers to our toes! You see, we are poets but we didn't know it!
And like the famous poets we were named after, we came from difficult backgrounds, which is why we put ourselves out there on paper (and Facebook), to show the world what we are all about inside!
We were brought in as scared feral kitties from Smith County, TN, where we had spent our whole lives outdoors and afraid. We didn't know what to do, except to try to stay alive. Kittens shouldn't have to worry about such things, but yet that is all we worried about. That, and finding food. If you have ever gone hungry before, you might understand how scary that can be, and how bleak the future feels in that moment. We felt that way. Even when we were put into carriers and taken away in this loud, frightening piece of machinery, our future felt unsure. Then we saw the light at the end of the tunnel....warm, safe surroundings, food, water...blankets. Things we never knew before. So now we are moving forward, we are loving humans now. Emily might need a moment, typical sister- she does things her way in her own time. Guess she wants to show us brothers a thing or two! Oh, and you might have read about Walt's story yesterday. He has a head wobble thing, perfectly fine otherwise, but still on medical hold to see if it is permanent or not. adopt or not to adopt, that is the question! ADOPT! That's the answer....plain and simple, adopt....US! We are here, we are ready. We are just over 8 weeks old now, so you will get us young and get to revel in our all playfulness. Just fill out the application at the bottom of this post for any of us. If you are interested in Walt as a special needs kitty, please contact True Rescue directly. We are going to leave you with our favorite line of poetry from the poets we are named after, and with that, we bid you all adieu!
Robert Frost: "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on."
Emily Dickinson: "If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain."
Edgar Allan Poe: "There is no exquisite beauty...without some strangeness in the proportion."
Walt Whitman: "Resist much, obey little."

Considering Emily Dickinson (F) for adoption?

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True Rescue

Mount Juliet, TN
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    Mount Juliet, TN

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    Monday 11-3
    Tuesday 11-3
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Emily Dickinson (F)

Emily Dickinson (F)

  • Domestic Short Hair
  • Adult
  • Female