[onscreen action] Woman sitting on floor with cats. Cat playing with dog. [female narrator] The key to successfully introducing your new cat to your other pets is to take your time. You can really never go too slow during introductions. [onscreen action] Woman setting up area for a cat. [narrator] The first thing you need to do is set up a quiet room exclusively for your new cat. [onscreen action] Cat exploring it’s new area. [narrator] After you feel your new cat's comfortable, you can begin scent exchange with your pets. [onscreen action] Woman placing items from other pets next to a cat. [narrator] So, start the process by placing some of your resident pet's bedding and toys in with your new cat, and vice versa. [onscreen action] Woman rubbing washcloth on cat’s face. [narrator] Take a soft washcloth and gently rub it on your new cat's cheeks, where his scent glands are. [onscreen action] Woman placing washcloth under dog’s dish dish. [narrator] Then, put it under your existing pet's food bowl. [onscreen action] Woman wiping dogs paw with washcloth. [narrator] You can then do the opposite, and provide your new cat with a wash cloth from your resident pet. [narrator] For dogs, you'll want to gather their scent by rubbing their paw pads instead of their cheeks. [onscreen action] cat getting pet. Thought bubble appears above cat. [onscreen text] This place is alright. [narrator] Once your new cat's comfortable with the surroundings, you can allow your resident pets to sniff at the closed door leading to its quiet room. [onscreen action] Dog sniffing at a door. [narrator] Keep the door closed, but reward each animal's quiet, calm curiosity with treats and attention. [onscreen action] Cat pawing at door. [narrator] If any of your pets seem upset or overly aggressive when they approach the door, they're not ready to take the next step. [onscreen action] Woman petting cat. [narrator] You'll need to give them more time to get used to each other's scent. [onscreen action] Woman opens door to let the dog see the cat. [narrator] After a few days, if your pets are remaining calm through the closed door, you're ready to attempt their first face-to-face introduction. [onscreen action] Woman holding cat places treats by the door. [narrator] Start by bringing your pets over to the door that separates them, and reward their curiosity with attention, toys, or treats. [onscreen action] Woman holding the dog’s leash by the door. Cat sniffing at the door. Thought bubble about cat. [onscreen text] Hello? [narrator] Now, if you have a resident dog, it's critical that you put him on his leash so you have control. Once each pet is at the door, open it a crack. Not too far, just enough so they can smell and see each other. [onscreen action] Woman opening the door so the dog and cat can meet. [narrator] And be prepared to close the door quickly if either pet becomes outwardly aggressive. [onscreen action] Cat peeking through the open door. [narrator] With cats, a certain amount of hissing, growling, and posturing is to be expected. [onscreen action] Narrator speaking on screen. [narrator] If either animal does become outwardly aggressive, don't punish or yell at them. This will only make matters worse. [onscreen action] Woman sitting in a different room with the dog. [narrator] You simply need to go back to the closed door step, and remind yourself that this process takes time. [onscreen action] Woman petting cat. [narrator] So be patient, and let your pet sniff and hear each other through the door a little longer. Once you're able to crack the door and your pets remain calm, they're ready to meet. [onscreen action] Cat lying in a cat tower, woman is petting the cat. [narrator] Before introducing them, place a table or some high furniture in your cat's quiet room, so it has a place to escape to if frightened. [onscreen action] Woman putting dog on a leash. [narrator] If you're introducing your dog, be sure to have him on leash. [onscreen action] Woman leading dog on a leash. Thought bubble appears by dog. [onscreen text] Hello I’m Max. [narrator] Also, get treats ready to reward good behavior. Don't force any interaction, just supervise. Let each pet approach the other on his own. [onscreen action] Cat and dog meet, sniffing each other. [narrator] After a minute or two, reward both pets with treats and attention, so the visit ends on a positive note. [onscreen action] Two cats meeting. [narrator] Repeat these supervised visits a couple of times a day for several days, ending each visit on a good note. [onscreen action] Narrator speaking on screen. [narrator] Now keep in mind, this process can take awhile, so be patient. If you're introducing cats, you can probably begin to allow them to interact on their own after a few weeks. If you're introducing your dog to the new cat, you shouldn't allow them to interact unsupervised until their behavior is completely appropriate, which can take several months.