[onscreen action] Woman Talking. [Woman] Here are more fun ideas to try with your cat. (soft music) [onscreen text] Trainer’s Tips. Surprise. [Woman]Surprise. [onscreen action] cat playing with toy. [Woman] Instead of just giving a toy to your cat, let him discover it all on his own. Finding surprises can be fun. [onscreen action] Man placing cat food around cat toy. [Woman] You can also try hiding some of your cat’s food in and around the toy. These treasure hunts will create a fun environment and keep him guessing. [onscreen text] Trainer’s Tips. Room With A View. (soft music) [onscreen action] Cat at a window. [Woman] Room With A View. There are plenty of fun activities for your cat that don't involve toys. A window with a view of birds or squirrels can provide hours of entertainment so make a window ledge available and hang a bird feeder just outside. However, before introducing your kitty to his new perch, make certain the window is closed. Cats also love to hang out in high places. Consider giving your cat a safe way to access higher areas in your home, like the top of a bookcase. [onscreen action] Cat on a ledge. You could even mount a shelf halfway up the wall so your cat can make it safely. Believe me, your cat will love this new view. [onscreen text] Trainer’s Tips. The Great Outdoors. (soft music) [Woman] The Great Outdoors. If you want your cat to enjoy the great outdoors, be sure you provide a secure closure that will keep him safe. There are even special fencing systems that are designed specifically for cats. [onscreen action] Woman and cat sitting outside within an enclosure. We recommend that you're always present when your cat is outside so you can supervise. [onscreen action] Woman securing door. You'll also want to cat proof your enclosure so there aren't any escape routes. [onscreen action] Woman moving plants. Finally, be sure toxic plants, garden chemicals, and other dangerous objects are inaccessible to your cat. A safe enclosure can allow your cat to benefit from some fresh air, exercise, and fun. [onscreen text] Trainer’s Tips. Homemade Fun. (soft music) [onscreen action] Woman and cat playing with a cardboard box. [Woman] Homemade Fun. Some common household objects can make great toys for your cat. Remember, cats love cardboard, so give your cat a few empty cardboard boxes in all different sizes. You can even give your cat some empty paper towel rolls. They're great for batting around and discovering the yummy treats you stuffed inside. [onscreen action] Child and cat playing with cork. Here's some other ideas. Toss a wine cork in your cat’s direction and watch him bat it around. Link some shower curtain rings together for some dangling fun. Or even try putting some kibble in an empty egg carton for your cat to dig out. [onscreen text] Trainer’s Tips. Catnip Tip. (soft music) [Woman] Catnip Tip. Many felines are crazy for catnip. Catnip is easy to grow at home and can provide a good alternative for cats who like to chew on houseplants. [onscreen action] Child adding catnip to a cat toy. Whether you choose to grow your own catnip or purchase it from a store, the addition of this all natural herb will make play time more interesting and can even breathe new life into old toys. [onscreen text] Trainer’s Tips. Beam Me Up. (soft music) [onscreen action] Man using laser pointer to play with cat. [Woman] Beam Me Up. As you now know, play time is very important for your cat. Many new pet parents seek to find those perfect toys that will keep their cat engaged in play. One great toy for many cats is a laser pointer. Cats, even finicky ones, are generally captivated by the simple spot on the wall that can travel quickly across the room and over the couch. But be sure you play with other toys too. You don't wanna burn him out on the same laser tag game over and over again. A variety of toys is an important part of keeping your cat mentally and physically fit. As a final word of caution, if you do use a laser toy, be careful not to shine it into your cats eyes. [onscreen action] Man in kitchen. [Man] Providing your cat with a variety of toys can enrich his life. Making sure to schedule plenty of play time with him can also help reduce problem behaviors. So be creative and have fun with your cat. After all, that's what play time is all about. [onscreen action] People playing with cats. (upbeat music)