[onscreen action] Woman sitting on couch playfully petting large dog’s head. [narrator] Okay, we're gonna teach your dog a fun trick called “wave.” [onscreen action] Woman stands next to dog, commands it to sit, and then kneels in front of dog. [narrator] Start by having your dog sit and face you. [onscreen action] Woman lifts dog’s paw and gently shakes it while smiling. She then gives the dog a single treat. [narrator] Gently lift his paw with your hand, praise, and give a treat. Repeat this until your dog is comfortable with you reaching for his paw. Now we're going to lighten your touch. [onscreen action] Woman lifts dogs paw using her index finger. [narrator] So using just one finger, lift your dog's paw into your hand. Your dog will likely start to lift his paw on his own, eager to get his treat. [onscreen action] Woman playfully pets dog. [narrator] Reward your dog the moment he offers his paw to your hand. Next, trying reaching toward his paw with your hand stretched out, without touching your dog. [onscreen action] Woman stands in front of dog, reaches out her hand, and the dog moves its paw up to touch her hand. Woman takes the paw and shakes it like a human’s hand. [narrator] Reward your dog when he offers his paw on his own. Now you're ready to finish up. [onscreen action] Woman stand in front of dog, puts hand out and waves hand in a backward wave, like a small beckoning motion. [narrator] Begin by motioning with your palm up in a backward wave, and add your verbal cue, "Wave." [onscreen action] Dog paws towards standing woman’s hand. Woman gives dog treat from other hand. [narrator] Generously reward your dog for raising or waving his paw even just a little bit. The higher he raises his paw, the more generous and excited you should get. [onscreen action] Woman stand in front of sitting dog and takes two steps backward. She makes the small backward waving motion. The dog paws at the air. The woman kneels down and gives the dog a treat and pets the dog. [narrator] Finally, practice until you can stand a couple of feet away while asking your dog to wave. In a short time, your dog can do this.