(funky upbeat music) [onscreen action] A graphic of a dog shaking it’s head side to side [onscreen text] “Adopting the right dog” [onscreen action] A woman and her 2 daughters are sitting on a couch petting a dog. [Narrator] To help ensure a lasting relationship, you'll need to choose the right dog for you family. [onscreen action] A man lying in hammock reading a book is cuddling with a dog. [narrator] So, here are the things you'll need to consider before you adopt. [onscreen action] A vet is examining a dog while a lady pets the dog’s head. [narrator] First, ask yourself if you can afford a dog. Research suggests an average dog will cost about $1,000 a year. [onscreen action] A dog runs and jumps into a pool while attempting to catch a toy. [narrator] Second, consider whether you have the time it takes to exercise, train, and play with your dog. [onscreen action] A man is sitting on a couch with a small dog in his lap. [narrator] Then you need to consider the personality you are looking for. [narrator] Are you seeking a cuddly lap dog? [onscreen action] A dog runs and jumps through a hoop. [narrator] A playful active one? [onscreen action] A woman is holding a small child and both are petting a dog. [narrator] Or perhaps a friend for your kids? [onscreen action] Outside, a man is standing next to a large dog. A man playing fetch with a dog. [narrator] When considering size, keep in mind that the size of the dog doesn't determine the amount of energy he'll have. [onscreen action] A dog is lying on the floor chewing on a chew toy [narrator] Now, a common mistake people make when adopting is choosing a dog based on his looks rather than his personality. [onscreen action] A woman kneeling next to a dog and a cat. A small childing is climbing the stairs and a dog is running up the stairs along side him. [narrator] For instance, if you have other pets or children, it's important to know if the dog you're considering adopting will get along well with them. [onscreen action] A shelter staff person is walking a dog. [narrator] The shelter volunteers and staff interact with the dogs daily, so ask for their opinions to help make an informed decision. [onscreen action] A woman is sitting next to a pool hugging a dog. [narrator] Another decision many adopters consider is whether to get a purebred or a mixed breed. [onscreen action] A woman is sitting on a park bench petting a dog. 25% of shelter dogs are purebreds. [narrator] Adopting a purebred allows you to research some common characteristics that typically accompany the breed. [onscreen action] A child is sitting next to a dog rubbing the dog’s belly. [narrator] However, adopting a mixed breed dog will always guarantee that you'll get a one-of-a-kind dog. [onscreen action]A puppy is laying on a couch chewing on a toy. [narrator] And finally, we all know puppies are cute and can be lots of fun, but they can require a lot of your time for training and some heavy-duty supervision. [onscreen action] A child is hand feeding a puppy. A woman and her child are sitting on a bed petting an older dog. [narrator] While most people are immediately drawn to puppies, we encourage you to consider adopting an adult dog. [onscreen action] A woman is rewarding a dog for walking on it’s hind legs. [narrator] Adult dogs are often house-trained, and some even know some basic training and tricks. [onscreen action] A web browser appear and www.petfinder.com is being typed in the address bar. [narrator] To begin your search for your new best friend, we recommend starting with Petfinder.com. [onscreen text] www.petfinder.com [narrator] It's the largest pet adoption site in the world. [onscreen action]A demonstration of how to search for pets is being performed. [narrator] With over 250,000 pets available for adoption from over 10,000 animal welfare organizations nationwide. [onscreen action] The results of the search appear on screen.