(upbeat music) [onscreen text] Cat forts. [onscreen action] Panning shot of corrugated cardboard boxes. [narrator] If you've got some empty boxes lying around don't toss them aside. [onscreen action] Cat exiting decorated cardboard box cat fort. [narrator] You can create a great kitty cat fort that your cat will love playing in. [onscreen action] Girl walks through kitchen area carrying collapsed cardboard boxes. [narrator] First, get a bunch of boxes in different sizes and styles. [onscreen action] Woman and girl remove packing materials from cardboard boxes. [narrator] Empty out any of the packing materials and check the boxes to make sure there aren't any staples or sharp edges that might hurt your cat. [onscreen action] hands picking up packing tape dispenser and box cutter from cluttered drawer. [narrator] Next, grab some packing tape, a sturdy pair of scissors or a box cutter. [onscreen action] Woman cuts hole in top of cardboard box with box cutter, while girl holds the box steady. [narrator] Cut some holes in the boxes to create doors windows and maybe even a sunroof. [onscreen action] Woman and girl tape boxes together. [narrator] Now tape the boxes together to create different areas for your cat to play in. Make tunnels, towers, zigzags and more. [onscreen action] Woman and girl decorate the outside of the new cardboard cat fort. [narrator] Finally, add a personal touch to the fort. Decorate the outside with crayons, markers and stickers. [onscreen action] Woman places old t-shirt in cat fort. [narrator] To cozy up the inside of the fort, place an old t-shirt somewhere inside for your cat to lay on. [onscreen action] Woman and girl place and attach a purple feather boa to outside of cat fort such that the boa partially hangs over one of the fort openings. [narrator] Add some curtains or a feather boa to the side of the fort for your cat to swat at. Voila, a kittycat fort fit for a queen. Every now and then change her fort a bit. [onscreen action] Woman and girl add new box with dried grass hanging over entrance to cat fort. [narrator] Add a new box or take a box away. Hide new toys in there and stash some of her favorite treats for a fun treasure hunt. [onscreen action] Girl places cat toy deep into cat fort. [narrator] You could even sprinkle some catnip for an extra surprise. [onscreen action] Woman sprinkles a little catnip around a toy in the cat fort. [narrator] Finally, get in on the fun too. [onscreen action] Girl kneeling on floor using a feathered stick to play with the cat. [narrator] Grab a toy and play with your cat. Remember, cats need exercise so making a fort and playing with your cat is a great way to keep her health and happy. [onscreen action] Montage of cat using the cat fort. (upbeat music)