(playful music) [onscreen text] Kibble Hunt. [onscreen action] Man putting kibble on a kitchen chair. [narrator] Every now and then, instead of feeding him all of his food in a bowl, have your cat hunt for some of it. Hide his kibble throughout the house. [onscreen action] Man putting kibble in a cat tree. Man placing kibble under a small, fish-shaped cat toy. [narrator] Put some on or around his cat tree, the area where he sleeps, or hide the food under his toys. [onscreen action] Man putting kibble on the floor in a corner [narrator] You can always vary the degree of difficulty as your cat gets better at the game. [onscreen action] man placing kibble on the floor under a chair. [narrator] For instance, you may begin by putting some kibble under a table in a small neat pile, then you might make it more challenging by putting one or two pieces at the bottom of a plastic cup. [onscreen action] Man dropping some kibble into a small plastic cup and laying the cup on its side on the floor. [narrator] Kibble hunt is a great game, because it will challenge your cat and keep him occupied. [onscreen action] Cat eating kibble from the cat tree. (playful music) [onscreen text] Fetch. [onscreen action] Woman narrating. [narrator] Dogs aren't the only ones who can play fetch. Cats can get on in the fun too. [onscreen action] Cat laying on floor playing with a small cat toy. [narrator] Start with a toy you know your cat likes. [onscreen action] Man sitting on couch throws a small cat toy to a cat. [narrator] Preferably one that resembles prey, then toss it to your cat, bringing him a little closer to you. [onscreen action] Cat nearly picks up cat toy, man throws second cat toy closer to the man. [narrator] As he picks it up and starts to head back your way, toss him another toy. [onscreen action] Man throws another cat toy to the cat. The cat brings the toy back to the man on the couch. [narrator] Each time you'll wait until he's come a little further back to you, before throwing the next one. Soon he'll be all the way back to you with a toy in his mouth and you'll be ready to show him off to your friends and family. (playful music) [onscreen text] Go Speed Racer. [onscreen action] Woman narrating. [narrator] This one's a fun game I call speed racer. All you need is a ping pong ball and your bath tub. Here's how you play. [onscreen action] Cat sitting in empty bathtub batting around a green ping pong ball. [narrator] Simply, drop the ping pong ball into your bath tub and let your cat jump in after it. As he swats at it the tub's curves will throw it around in a random pattern. This creates an exciting challenge your cat will love. Just make sure you take the ping pong ball out of the tub when the game's over. [onscreen action] Woman walking slowly and narrating. [narrator] These are a few simple games that I love to play. Try to see if you can come up with a few on your own and always keep safety in mind.