[onscreen action] Dog digging in the yard [female narrator] If your dog likes to dig, here's a fun game you can play together called treasure hunt. [onscreen action] Woman filling sandbox. [narrator] We recommend you buy or build a sandbox for this game. [onscreen action] Woman burying toys in the sandbox. [narrator] Start by burying some of your dog's favorite treats and toys. [onscreen action] Woman leads dog to sandbox. [narrator] Make it easy at first and encourage him to dig for his treasure. [onscreen action] Woman digs with dog in sandbox. [narrator] That's right, dig with him! Be sure to make it fun for your dog. Really praise him when he seems interested and starts digging. [onscreen action] thought bubble appears above dog. [onscreen text] I’m digging this. [onscreen action] Woman buries toys in sandbox. [narrator] At first you'll want to hide a variety of his toys and yummy treats in the sandbox so he gets the idea. As time goes by, you can bury surprises every now and then to keep him guessing. [onscreen text] A dog’s sense of smell is 10,000 times greater than your own. [narrator] After all, his nose is better than any treasure map. [onscreen action] Dog digging in yard. Woman calls dog to sandbox. Woman buries toys in sandbox. [narrator] If you see your dog digging in other areas, redirect him back to his sandbox and try making his sandbox more interesting by burying extra special treats and toys for him to discover. [onscreen action] Dog digging in sandbox. Thought bubble appears above the dog. [onscreen text] Jackpot! Your dog will quickly get the idea that his sandbox is the only place in the yard where he'll find buried treasure. (upbeat music)