Can Dogs Eat Pears?

dog eat pear

Pears are a delicious low-calorie snack for pet parents but can dogs eat pears? The truth is pears are a healthy treat for a dog when prepared properly, and packed with vitamin A, C and soluble fiber. You can safely feed your dog a slice or two, occasionally.

How to serve seedless pears for dogs

Dogs eat pears and may love them as much as their pet parents but too much and certain parts of it could have side effects. Like any new food you’re introducing for the first time, always talk to your veterinarian before to ensure there is no risk to your pet’s health.

Pears are ok for dogs to eat if you prepare them properly. Follow these

  • Choose only the ripest pears to share with your dog.
  • Pluck off the stalk with the leaves.
  • Give the fruit a good wash to remove any residue or chemicals.
  • Slice the fruit down the middle.
  • Cut one half into two pieces.
  • Take out the seeds.
  • Make sure to cut away any remaining part of the core.
  • Cut each piece into 1-inch slices.
  • Serve one or two fresh slices to your dog. Small breeds should only have one slice.
  • Stretch out the treat by cutting a slice into 1-inch chunks.
  • Use as a topper on your dog’s next meal, enjoy fresh or freeze for the next occasion!

Dogs and pears: 9 Risks to know

Pears are a safe reward for your dog occasionally when prepared properly. Some things to watch out for when sharing these delicious, ripe fruit are:

  1. Only feed ripe fruit, green fruit may have side-effects on digestion and cause an upset stomach.
  2. Always remove the seeds as they contain traces of cyanide, which are toxic in large amounts.
  3. Never give your dog a whole pear, these can easily become a choking hazard.
  4. Whole fruit, if digested, can cause obstructions in the bowel so always cut pears up.
  5. Pluck off leaves and stalks as the texture is rigid and may tear the lining of the esophagus.
  6. Feed a slice of pear occasionally since the fruit contains approximately 9.7 grams of total sugar, which is not good for teeth, contributes to weight gain and can cause an upset stomach
  7. Do not give your dog canned or candied pears as it contains very high quantities of sugar in the syrup.
  8. Moldy, spoiled or rotting fruit causes diarrhea and stomach upset.
  9. Fermented fruit converts into alcohol which is bad for dogs.

Nutrition Facts: Are pears good for dogs?

The good news is that pears are packed with good vitamins, minerals, amino acids, lycopene, and antioxidants. Like any fruit, pears contain natural sugars called fructose.

Small amounts of naturally occurring fructose in foods are harmless. By limiting the quantities of human foods that dogs can eat, you’ll help your pup avoid any health risks such as gaining weight or cavities.

Treats like a slice of pear should make up less than 10% of your dog’s daily nutrition. Like watermelon, pears contain large amounts of water. Important nutrition facts about pears for dogs is that every 100g or 3.5-ounce serving includes:

  • 1% Vitamin A: supports a dog’s vision, immune system, bone and muscles, skin and coat
  • 7% Vitamin C: supports the immune system, promotes joint health
  • 4% Vitamin K: supports your pet’s body to properly clot blood.
  • 5% Potassium (electrolytes): maintains fluid balance, supports nerve and muscles function
  • 9 mg Calcium (minerals): for strong teeth and bones
  • 8% Dietary fiber: aids digestion and make poop firmer
  • 11% Carbohydrate: converts into energy
  • 9% Copper (minerals): maintains a healthy immune system, shiny coat and bone development

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