RINGO Just look at that face! He's got fun written all over it. Young Ringo is going to make a real good buddy for someone! He loves the play yard and gets really fast zoomies racing around in it. Very playful, but doesn't seem to have experience with toys. He is respectful and reserved around other dogs. Ringo currently weighs in at 60lbs. Ringo is Heartworm Positive and will need a foster home where he can recover from Heartworm Treatment. He will need to be in a calm environment over the next couple months. The shelter is not a place where he can do this so we need to get him in a home environment to start his treatment. All medical is covered under our Emergency Medical Fund. If you are interested in donating, you can contact the shelter at 707-840-9132 or online at and specify that it is for the shelter's Emergence Medical Fund.