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Georgie-ADOPT Me! English Bulldog Studio City, CA

  • Adult
  • Male
  • Large
  • White / Cream


Affectionate, Friendly, Funny, Gentle, Smart, Loves Food
Coat length
Vaccinations up to date, spayed / neutered, special needs.
Good in a home with

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Meet Georgie-ADOPT Me!

Hi Sweet and Kind Humans my name is Georgie and I am looking for a LOVING and DEVOTED Person to take me home and give me the life I should have had from the start!

My story is a sad and weird one to say the least and kinda long so here it goes...bear with me now!

I was living with another dog but he kept attacking me so our owner gave us to a rescue. Failed by a human already!

Sooooo I was adopted out and lived with someone for maybe a year and then this person decided they couldn't take care of me so they started reaching out to other rescues to take me in and I had a bunch of medical issues by this time!

Now this second human who failed me claimed that they reached out to my original rescue for a year to take me back-but no one really knows the story, so the kind humans helping me NOW can only go by the conflicting things they were being told, ohhhh if only I could speak human, but they don't care they just want to FIND ME A LOVING HOME!

The rescue who originally got me has since closed down and but got me into a foster home (we think, not sure what happened) but that foster home also FAILED me because I ended up turned in as a stray at an awful pound out in the middle of no man's land in pretty bad shape!

Failed for the THIRD time now in my short life span.

I literally had NOWHERE to go and was sitting in pain and not feeling well so on a wing and a PRAYER another rescue got me OUT and the medical care I so badly needed and promised me I would only know LOVE and COMFORT from now one...SO HERE I AM!

A little more about Me!:
I am a super duper  cute and SWEET as pie, MELLOW Male 4 year old Olde English Bulldog who absolutely LOVES and ADORES everyone I meet!

I can be selective with other dogs-so I'd rather be your one and only so I can have all of the love!

I am good with kids but I'm a big boy so a home with older kids might be a possibility for me!

I like to take short walks and love nothing but to be next a person and have them give me pets

I have the most cutest little stubby tail that wiggles when I am Happy, and I'm soooooo Happy now cause I feel so much better!

If you think we are the most perfect fit please send an email to and put GEORGIE in the subject line

I REALLY would love to be in a home for the Holidays-you can HELP me by SHARING my story and tagging doggo loving friends! #ittakesavillage

Thank all of YOU nice Humans who Help dogs like me-I appreciate YOU!

I am in the Southern CA area-sorry I can't be sent out of state

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Georgie-ADOPT Me!

Georgie-ADOPT Me!

  • English Bulldog
  • Adult
  • Male