
The Briard is square or slightly longer than tall and powerful without being course; the overall appearance is one of handsome form. The Briard is a boundary herder, acting as a “moving fence” to keep a flock in an unfenced area. This requires the dog to be an independent thinker. Briards are loose-eyed, upright herders. Their movement has been described as “quicksilver,” with supple, light strides that give the impression of gliding. Their undercoat is fine and tight, and their outer coat is coarse and dry, lying flat in long, slightly wavy locks. On the shoulders, the coat’s length is 6 inches or more. The questioning confident expression is enhanced by the longer eyebrows, as well as the long-appearing head.


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  • Playfulnesslevel 3 in 5

  • Activity Levellevel 0 in 5

  • Friendliness to Other Petslevel 3 in 5

  • Friendliness to Childrenlevel 0 in 5

  • Grooming Requirementslevel 4 in 5

  • Vocalitylevel 5 in 5

  • Need for attentionlevel 0 in 5

  • Affection towards ownerslevel 0 in 5

  • Docilitylevel 0 in 5

  • Intelligencelevel 0 in 5

  • Independencelevel 0 in 5

  • Hardinesslevel 0 in 5

Disclaimer: While the characteristics mentioned here may frequently represent this breed, dogs are individuals whose personalities and appearances will vary. Please consult the adoption organization for details on a specific pet.