[woman] Hello, I'm Dr. Justine Johnson. I'm a member of the Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association, as well as the co-owner of Ocean State Veterinary Specialists, a referral and emergency clinic in East Greenwich, Rhode Island. [woman] Cat sitting on couch. [woman] Today I'm discussing things to keep a close eye on when caring for your newly-spayed or neutered pet, and how you can best address any issues that might arise. [onscreen action] Dog licking wound. [woman] Excessive licking of the incision site can cause infection or re-open the incision. [onscreen action] person putting E-collar on dog) [woman] If you aren't able to keep your pet from licking the area, you can use an Elizabethan collar, also called an E-collar, which will prevent your animal from being able to reach the incision site. [onscreen action] Person putting E-collar on dog. [woman] E-collars are typically made of hard plastic, but also available are Elizabethan-style collars that are made of a more flexible material. [onscreen action] Person playing with cat. [woman] A pet who is too active after surgery can re-open an incision site and can also lead to infection. [onscreen action] Dog in crate. [woman] If your dog insists on being active while he or she is still healing, you can use a crate to restrict activity. [onscreen action] Dog in crate with Kong toy. [woman] To prevent boredom, give them a toy or a treat ball like a Kong to keep them stimulated. [onscreen action] Cat in bathroom with food. [woman] For cats, you may consider isolating your pet in a bedroom or a bathroom for a few days, to keep your cat from being too active while healing is taking place. [onscreen action] Person gives cat a toy. [woman] Make sure the cat has toys to keep him or her entertained, and spend some one-on-one time with your cat to prevent loneliness. [onscreen action] Woman examining dog. Veterinarian examining dog. [woman] You should check the incision site daily to ensure it is healing properly. If you notice there are missing sutures or if the incision appears to be opening up, you should have it looked at by your veterinarian. Some redness is typical after surgery, but if it gets worse or you notice any swelling or discharge you should contact your veterinarian. [onscreen action] Woman talking on phone. [woman] There may also be a little oozing or bleeding right after surgery, but if it doesn't stop within a few hours contact your veterinarian right away. [onscreen action] Cat sniffing food bowl. Dog lying on couch. [woman] Be sure to observe your pet for other side effects such as a decreased appetite, not drinking water, vomiting, diarrhea, or extreme tiredness. [onscreen action] Cat eating food. [woman] It's not uncommon for a pet not to want to eat for a few hours after coming home, or maybe until the next day, but your pet should be back to normal a day or two after surgery. [woman] Notify your veterinarian if your pet still doesn't wanna eat the next day, isn't drinking water, is vomiting, or has diarrhea. So those are just a few of the things to keep a close eye on when caring for your newly-spayed or neutered pet.