(instrumental music) [onscreen text] Down. [onscreen action] Woman teaching dog to lie down. Man teaching dog to lie down. [narrator (woman)] We're gonna show you a fun way to teach down that anyone can use and any dog can learn. [onscreen action] Woman rewards dog. Man rewards dog. [narrator] Because dogs are usually very eager to work for food, and because it makes learning fun for both of you, you'll need a large amount of bite-sized soft treats. We'll show you how to fade the treats out once your dog understands what you are asking him to do, but for now, have plenty on hand. [onscreen action] Woman pets dog. [narrator] Before we begin, here are some training basics to help you succeed. [onscreen action] Woman gets off couch and starts training dog. [narrator] Keep sessions short, two to three minutes at a time. You can train during the commercial breaks of your favorite tv shows. [onscreen action] Woman rewards dog. [narrator] If you or your dog is getting frustrated, reward him for doing something right, and end your session there. [onscreen action] Man training two dogs, and rewards both of them. [narrator] Teach new behaviors in a quiet room, then slowly increase the distractions. [onscreen action] Woman training dog outside. [narrator] Practice in lots of different places and situations, and reward your dog with either toys, petting, playtime, walks, or car rides. [onscreen action] Woman uses treat to make the dog lie down. [narrator] Start by placing a treat in your hand, then put your hand in front of your dog's nose, and slowly move it down to the floor, while slightly motioning forward between his front legs. [onscreen action] Man uses treat to make the dog lie down. [narrator] Just as his belly touches the ground, say yes, and give him the treat in your hand. [onscreen action] Woman teaching dog to lie down in the corner of a room. [narrator] If your dog isn't getting it, practice in the corner of a room. [onscreen action] woman sits down with her legs bent, and dog goes underneath them and lies down. [narrator] You can also use your legs like a tunnel, and use the treat to get him to lie down underneath your legs. Once your dog's reliably lying down when you lure him with the treat, you're ready to start adding the word down. [onscreen action] Man training dog. [narrator] Just as his belly hits the floor, say down. When he does, say yes, and give him the treat. Practice this with your dog a couple of times a day for several days. [onscreen action] Woman playing with dog with toy. [narrator] Now you're ready to start asking your dog to down without a treat in your lure hand. Put a treat in your other hand behind your back. Motion your now empty fist as you did before, from his nose down to the floor, and say down. [onscreen action] Man and woman train their dogs to lie down on voice command. [narrator] When your dog lies down, say yes, and give him the treat from the hand behind your back. Soon you can trade the treats for just your praise, and your dog will down for you when you ask him to.