
The Ragdoll is a well-balanced cat with no extreme features. They are a medium to large, moderately longhaired, blue-eyed pointed cats. The point markings may be covered by a range of white overlay patterns. Ragdolls are slow maturing, reaching full coat and color at about three years of age. The Ragdoll is an affectionate and intelligent cat, giving the impression of graceful movement and subdued power, striking in appearance.


  • Playfulnesslevel 3 in 5

  • Activity Levellevel 2 in 5

  • Friendliness to Other Petslevel 4 in 5

  • Friendliness to Childrenlevel 4 in 5

  • Grooming Requirementslevel 4 in 5

  • Vocalitylevel 2 in 5

  • Need for attentionlevel 2 in 5

  • Affection towards ownerslevel 4 in 5

  • Docilitylevel 5 in 5

  • Intelligencelevel 4 in 5

  • Independencelevel 2 in 5

  • Hardinesslevel 3 in 5

Disclaimer: While the characteristics mentioned here may frequently represent this breed, cats are individuals whose personalities and appearances will vary. Please consult the adoption organization for details on a specific pet.

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